Bismark Osei Kuffour

My name is Bismark Osei Kuffour, born in Ghana, Africa.

Growing up, I would organize friends and family to teach them purposely to educate
them. Just like everything in life, I succeeded at some and lost others in my deliveries.
My family and friends were not enough to stop me harnessing my fresh talent, rather, I
approached my next “experiment” with lessons from the failed ones to ensure success. I
would attribute my greatest wins to my extremely inquisitive nature which enables me
to understand what exists and opportunities to learn something new everyday.
Starting my career in education at the University of Cape Coast B.Sc. English in
Physiological Education and currently learning STEM Based Teaching Program at
Harvard University (Online). However, I immediately recognised the opportunity it
presented, to understand the most important asset of the education field; the children. I
am privileged to teach learners from the ages of 2 to 18 years. In 2015 Kings
Educational Complex (Ghana) identified my passion to raise kids Psychological,
Academically, Morally and saw it necessary to make me the Senior House Master for
the School. I became the head of the department in English at Mizpah Vine School in
Ghana. I am currently the Dean of Academics at Bright Angels Montessori Village. In
Combating CSA, I serve as Dean of Academics who aid in creating problem-solving
curriculum for the organization. The target is to raise kids who are critical thinkers and
can stand for themselves in every venture they get in.
Over my 15 years experience in teaching, I have encountered various ways by which
children are sexually abused by adults and even their own colleagues. My encounter
with Combating CSA gave me the opportunity to inculcate my quota in fighting child
sexual abuse. As the Dean of Academics, I am highly motivated to lead the team to
build a well organized and a standardised based curriculum which the teachers in
Combating CSA use in educating the children in combating child sexual abuse.
The said Curriculum used in Combating child sexual abuse is an internationally
recognised system which touches every facet of the child psychological,emotional and
social wellbeing. This system enables the individual child to be psychologically
independent and confront day to day life challenges. This was achieved through the
means of evaluating student needs,evaluating teaching methods, developing
learning goals,developing learning plans to meet learning goals. I train
instructors on new content, materials, teaching aids and procedures
administered in any new curriculum.
Through a combination of research, education, and community advocacy, we use a
social behavior change approach to pioneer new training initiatives that bring child
sexual abuse prevention to the attention of the broader cultural conversation. Our work
empowers adults and organizations to bring best-practices in child safety to their own
communitiesI envisage the Organization transforming lives and impacting knowledge in
all communities in Ghana and the world at large.